Heavens Solution
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Heavens Solution


Our comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) audit is the fastest, most efficient way to analyze your site’s technical, on-page, and off-page SEO.

Tired of Dealing With SEO Challenges?

What Our SEO Auditing Services Include

Technical SEO Audit

  • HTML/CSS Code Review
  • Page Speed Load Times
  • Website Architecture
  • 301 Redirect Check
  • Canonicalization
  • Robot.txt file

On-Page SEO Audit

  • Duplicate Content Issues
  • Meta Tag Review
  • H1 Tags
  • Content Word Count
  • Broken Links in Content
  • Internal Linking

Off-Page SEO Audit

  • Google Search Console Review
  • Search Console Crawl Errors
  • Algorithmic Penalties
  • Manual Actions
  • Link Profile Health Check
  • Linking Anchor Text

01. Data Gathering

You’ll have an initial kick-off meeting with your Brand Success Manager (BSM) and other team members on your account. This call will cover questions about your website, your history of design/content changes, your current content creation strategy, target keywords, any history of penalties, and access to Google Search Console and Google.

02. Internal Strategies

The experts on your account will conduct an internal strategy session to discuss the data we’ve collected and assign research tasks for the audit.

03. SEO Audit Process

Your SEO consultants will dive into their research, digging into things such as content duplication, page speed load times, image optimization, content strategy, algorithmic issues, and a plethora of other data points! This research will inform the recommendations presented in your final audit report.

04. Audit Report

You’ll receive a detailed report on our SEO team’s findings, along with a blueprint of recommended actions that HigherVisibility could conduct if you choose to move forward.
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